
Sequalator is free software.
The registration is only to keep a track of the users of this software.
When you register, you gain access to Sequalator Discussions Group, where you can discuss any topic about Sequalator with fellow users. Rest assured that the information obtained from the registration will not be sold to anybody without your prior consent.

To register just fill out this form.
It contains a question ("Key generated by Sequalator for Registration?"), wherein you have to enter a text key generated by Sequalator.
To get this key, launch Sequalator. Press Yes in the following dialog:

Accept Sequalator License Dialog

Next, you are presented with another dialog:

Sequalator Registration Dialog

In the warning dialog for registration, there is a check box labelled Copy Registration Data. Check mark it.

Check the Copy Registration Checkbox

When the dialog closes, a text is copied automatically. Paste it to Notepad and see if it is similar like the one shown below:

Verify the copied text

Line 1 identifies the Operating System.
Line 2 identifies the User Account name.
Line 3 identifies the name of your PC.
If you are not able to get similar information then report this issue immediately.
If everything is OK, paste the text in the registration form.

Paste the copied text into the registration form

Depending on this text, a license file will be prepared by me and mailed to you. When you receive this file (named Sequalator.regseq), follow these steps to complete the registration process:
  1. Launch Sequalator
  2. Go to Tools->Options 
  3. Press the link for "Browse Application Local Files:"
  4. A folder named Sequalator will open. Open the Registration folder.
  5. Paste Sequalator.regseq into the Registration folder
  6. Now close all Windows of Sequalator and launch Sequalator again.
The warning message should not be displayed henceforth. If you experience any problems, please feel free to contact me.


Thank You for your interest in Sequalator.
Please give me some time to reply you back.
Thank You!